GDPR Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Despite Brexit, the UK will still need to implement the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which was confirmed in the Queen’s speech on 21 June 2017: ‘The UK will implement the General Data Protection Regulation… meeting our obligations while we remain an EU member state and helping to put the UK in the best position to maintain our ability to share data with other EU member states and internationally after we leave the EU.’

It will apply to any company based in the EU and/or processing the personal data of EU citizens, leaving very few companies exempt from the obligations of this new regulation.

The following checklist covers the key areas that you need to consider to ensure you will be compliant by 25th May 2018. If you answer ‘no’ the checklist will provide additional information to guide you in what you need to do.

Hit submit at the end and you'll be sent a copy of your answers.

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