Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre Group Sales Inquiry

Please fill out the information below so we can better serve you. We are happy to fill an order based on your below needs and we will send you an invoice within 1-2 business days.

Minimum purchase of 10 tickets required to receive group discounts. A $2 per ticket fee will apply. Payment will be due in full 4 weeks prior to your selected performance date.

Pricing and seating information.

Buy 40 tickets and get the next one FREE!

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Email Address *
Contact Name (First, Last) *
Group Name (if applicable)
First Choice Performance Date / Time *
Second Choice Performance Date / Time *
First Choice Section *
Second Choice Section *
Group Size (minimum 10) *
Mailing Address (street address, city, state, zip) *
Phone Number *
Comments / Special Needs (if applicable)
Group Type *
How did you hear about us? *
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