Largs Academy - School of Rugby 23/24
Participant Contract and permission - Please complete the following form below with the participant. 

Participants must be registered with the SRU registration system (SCRUMS) to take part, see Q6

Parents/carers are reminded that pupils will have the responsibility of catching up on work missed when at the school of rugby and will be missing a small amount of contact time in certain subjects. The periods throughout the year will rotate each term (this is still TBC which periods)

S1 Boys - Tuesday P2

S2 Boys - Tuesday P7

S3 Boys - Tuesday P5

S1/2/3 Girls - Tuesday P6

Any questions please contact me via email -

Jamie Murchie
PE Teacher
Largs Academy
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Name of son/daughter *
Name of Parent/Carer *
Parent/Carer Email Address *
Year Group *
Gender *
SCRUMS I.D. Number (this is the Scottish Rugby registration system)

If your son/daughter are not registered already please click on the link and follow the instructions to register a youth player with SCRUMS and have Largs Academy as your school then add their SCRUMS I.D. number below -

If your son/daughter already has a SCRUMS I.D. please write below and make sure they have Largs Academy as their school on the system.
•Participants will work hard in all their academic studies stay up to date with their school work / homework throughout the programme.                                                                 *
•Participants will show respect to all those around them in and out of the ‘School of Rugby’ programme including coaches, fellow SOR participants, opponents, classmates and teachers *
•Participants will ensure they are focused and ready to give their best effort in all ‘School of Rugby’ sessions.
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•Participants attend extra-curricular rugby sessions and represent the school in both competitive rugby opportunities and other sporting opportunities if selected by the school. *
Does your son/daughter play for a local community club? *
I give permission for my son/daughter to play rugby for Largs Academy in various matches and competitions.   *
Information will be sent about fixtures/matches by Mr Murchie via email. I will notify the school if I don't want my son/daughter to play, otherwise I give permission for them to play. *
I have completed and returned the off-site activity form, from the data pack sent at the start of the year (EV 5 form) and I will notify the school office if there are any changes to the medical and contact information provided to the school. *
I give permission for my son/daughter to be dropped off (i.e. West Kilbride/Fairlie) after matches. *
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