CIS 2020 Call for Proposals Form
2020 Conference on Island Sustainability  |  April 1-3, 2020  |  Hyatt Regency Guam

*Abstract submission deadline: 5:00 PM February 28, 2020  (ChST)

Call for abstracts:

Conference website:
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Email *
Primary Author's Prefix *
I.e. Mr., Ms., Dr., Capt., etc.
Primary Author's First Name *
Primary Author's Last Name *
Co-Authors' Name(s)  (First Name Last Name, etc.)
Affiliation (Name of University/Agency/Organization) *
Title of Presentation *
Abstract (strict 150-word limit) *
Type of Presentation *
Which UN Sustainable Development Goal(s) does this presentation address? *
Key Takeaway Message of Presentation (1 or 2 sentences) *
Logistical Requirements
Other than projector, projector screen, speakers, and wireless presentation remote
Si Yu'os ma'åse' (Thank you)
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