Church Time & Talent Survey
This questionnaire will help our church better understand the obstacles that stand in the way of our members choosing to volunteer.  Once we understand these obstacles, we can both work to remove them, allowing our church to reap the rewards of having active volunteers.
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Name: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Which of these statements best describes your church attendance?
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Which of these statements best describes how you feel about your involvement in your church?
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Which of these statements describe what prevents you from getting involved in your church? Check all that apply.
Do you feel that you are aware of the ministry opportunities at our church?
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I have relevant experience and/or training in:
If you are not sure what talents you have that could be useful to the church, would you be interested in a study about uncovering your gifts (i.e., a sermon series, Sunday school course, etc.) ?
Clear selection
Which ministries would you be interested in joining?
Is there a ministry that you feel our church should create?  If so, please describe.
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This form was created inside of Belin United Methodist Church. Report Abuse