Course Evaluation
Thank you for taking the time to complete this course evaluation!
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Class: *
Instructor: *
Company: *
Instructors background, qualifications, knowledge of subject *
Instructors ability to convey knowledge to class *
Instructors ability to keep class interest in subject matter *
Instructors rapport or relationship with the class *
Course content/curriculum met your learning needs? *
Course content/curriculum was relevant to your job/position? *
Course content/curriculum improved your knowledge? *
Class environment was conducive to learning? *
Classroom was setup and ready? *
Did this training meet your expectations? *
Did this training meet your training needs? *
How could this training be more effective?
Comments about classroom, shop, or break area environment:
What training would you like to see offered in the future (for example: CPR/First Aid, Computer, Customer Service, Hazard Materials, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Safety, Supervisor/Leadership Management)?
Additional Comments:
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