DADC Shared Task Registration
Welcome to the Shared Task of the First Dynamic Adversarial Data Collection Workshop!

We will have three (3) tracks for our Shared Task:
- Track 1: Better Annotators
- Track 2: Better Training Data
- Track 3: Better Models
Please refer to the workshop website for more details on the tracks

Participating teams can participate in one, two or all three tracks. However, we encourage teams to address all tasks!

Please join our mailing list to get important updates. If you have any questions, please contact

Thank you!

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Team Name *
Enter your team name below.
Dynabench Username *
Register your official team account on Dynabench ( Enter the username below. Note: do NOT create any examples with your official account until you are instructed to by the organisers. For testing, please ensure you use sandbox mode or feel free to create alternative test accounts.
Team Members
List the names of the team members (comma separated).
List the organization(s) of the team members (comma separated).
Which track(s) will you participate in? *
Select the tracks that your team aims to participate in. Note that you may contact the organisers at a later stage if you want to participate in fewer or more tracks.
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