Virtual Learning Survey - Fairington Elementary School
We would like to check in with Fairington Elementary School parents and guardians regarding how Virtual Learning is going for you and your student(s) and to learn about further improvements we can make to ensure the best possible experience for families during this unprecedented time.

Please complete this form for only ONE child at a time. At the end of the form, you will be asked to repeat the survey if you have additional children.

Please help us capture your experience by taking this survey. Your response will be reported anonymously.

Thank you for your time and commitment to Fairington Elementary School.
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Email *
What is your child's grade level *
Who is your child's homeroom teacher?  Choose one. *
Do you have access to the internet at home? *
Does your child have access to a device (i.e; Tablet, Computer, phone) that has internet access? *
Is the device being shared by more than one person? *
Do you and your child know where to go to get the information your child needs to advance in his or her classes during the Virtual Learning days? (i.e.; Clever and VERGE) *
What is the main resource you go to for help when you have questions about your child's Virtual Learning Activities?     Select one. *
What subject areas has your child conducted schoolwork in since the switch to Virtual Learning Activities?   Select all that apply. *
What is the main type of assistance you have provided your child during the Virtual Learning Days?  Select One. *
How satisfied are you with teacher support during this unprecedented time? *
Any overall feedback you would like to give?
Student's Name
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