Minnesota Second Chance Coalition Microgrants Application 2023

You are applying for a Driver’s License Reinstatement Microgrant from Minnesota Second Chance Coalition. We award small grants to individuals who have been impacted by the criminal legal system to pay off fines and fees in order to reinstate driver’s licenses that have been suspended or revoked.

To be considered for these funds you must: 

  • Be a Minnesota resident.
  • Have been involved in the criminal legal system (including court, probation, OR incarceration) in the last 3 years.
  • Be applying to for funds to pay fines and fees issued in the state of Minnesota.
  • Plan to reinstate your driver’s license in the state of Minnesota.
  • Have not received a microgrant from MNSCC in the past 36 months.
  • Submit documentation of amount owed for driver’s license reinstatement. 
  • Be requesting $3,000 or less.

Applications will typically be reviewed by the Microgrants Advisory Committee bi-monthly on the last Tuesday of the month. If you are selected, you will be contacted within two weeks of this meeting. Your application will remain active for two review cycles. We will notify you when your application is close to expiration and you may re-apply.

Next Deadline: to be determined Notifications of Awards: to be determined

Due to limited funds, we will only be awarding a small number of grants each review cycle. Our award amounts have ranged from $80 to $2,720. Our average award amount is $955. We typically are able to fund two to four recipients each award cycle.

If you have any questions, please contact the Microgrants Advisory Committee at Microgrants@mnsecondchance.org.
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