VSBA Committee Volunteer Form
Would you like to serve on a Volunteer State Book Award Selection Committee?

The Volunteer State Book Award is sponsored annually by the Tennessee Library Association (TLA) and the Tennessee Association of School Librarians (TASL). Each year, children across Tennessee are asked to read books from a list of nominated titles.  The Volunteer State Book Award has four divisions--Primary (Grades K-2), Intermediate (Grades 3-5), Middle School (Grades 6-8), and High School (Grades 9-12).  In the spring, those students who have read or listened to at least three of the titles from the list are eligible to vote for their favorite titles.

The VSBA Selection Committees each have 20 volunteers made up of Librarians across the state who choose the titles to be voted on by students. We begin our work of nominating titles in the Fall and finish compiling final lists at the end of the Spring. Any volunteers for the committees must be prepared to nominate title suggestions for the final VSBA lists, as well as reading the many nominations made by their committee colleagues. They also must be a member of either TLA or TASL.

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the form below. The chairperson from the committees you select will contact you directly if there is space available.  

Check out https://www.tasltn.org/vsba for more information. Or email vsbareads@gmail.com if you have further questions.

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By checking this box, I understand that I must be a member of either the Tennessee Library Association (TLA) or the Tennessee Association of School Librarians (TASL) to serve on a VSBA Committee. *
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