Quantum intelligence  Airdrop 01
Quantum Intelligence will devote its funds to research and develop a platform based on Quantum Computing.
integrating physical and scientific project enthusiasts, seek investors to accelerate and help develop solutions for sustainable exploration, accelerate research, and reduce production costs using quantum computer. The initiative has partners, teachers, researchers, enthusiasts, scientists and educational units that can use the Quantum Intelligence Platform ..
Quantum Intelligence is releasing a total of 30,000,000 QI tokens to 3,000,000 air launch participants. Where each participant will receive up to 10 QI tokens when registering on our site. 1 QI = US $ 0.05.
Airdrop will end on September 1, 2019 or when we reach 3,000,000 participants, whichever comes first.

Buy the QI in advance and do not wait for the airdrop

send 0.5 ETH receive 1710 QI
send 1 ETH receive 3420 QI

only for the first 1,000,000
completing the 1.000.000 users that this promotion closes

Buy the QI in advance and do not wait for the airdrop

send 0.5 ETH receive 1846 QI
send 1 ETH receive 3893 QI
only for the first 1,000,000

completing the 1.000.000 users that this promotion closes

Go to the Quantum Intelligence website to learn more about our project. (https://quantum-intelligence.io).
Follow Quantum Intelligence on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/QuantumInte)
Retweet this post (https://twitter.com/QuantumInte/status/1110355277373759488) with the caption:
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 Join Quantum Intelligence Airdrop here: https://www.instagram.com/quantumintelligence/
#Airdrop #QuantumINT #QIAirdrop #QITokens #Intelligence #blockchaintechnology

Follow Quantum Intelligence on Instagram. (https://www.instagram.com/quantumintelligence/)
Mention at least three (5) friends in the comment section of our Airdrop post. (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw13rHgBLdM)

Go to YouTube and sign the Quantum Intelligence Change channel. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJd1PWYEod5Xg-8EzfZ4gA?disable_polymer=true)

Go to Facebook and go to the Quantum Intelligence page. (https://www.facebook.com/inteqi)
Share this post (https://www.facebook.com/inteqi/videos/1849182931859984/) with caption:

 Join Quantum Intelligence Airdrop here: https://t.me/QItoken
#Airdrop #QuantumInt #QuantumAirdrop #QITokens # Intelligence #blockchaintechnology

Go to Telegram and join the Quantum Intelligence community. (https://t.me/QItoken)

Note: Be sure to complete all tasks to receive the tokens.

To participate in the Quantum Intelligence airdrop, perform all tasks, we reserve the rights to disqualify users other than lengths of all rules.

Complete all rules and get QI token
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Quantum intelligence
You have registered at (https://quantum-intelligence.io)View your referral link Example (https://quantum-intelligence.io/register.aspx?u=1006) *
Follow Quantum Intelligence on Twitter. (https://twitter.com/QuantumInte)
Retweet this post (https://twitter.com/QuantumInte/status/1110355277373759488) with the caption:
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 Join Quantum Intelligence Airdrop here: https://www.instagram.com/quantumintelligence/
#Airdrop #QuantumINT #QIAirdrop #QITokens #Intelligence #blockchaintechnology
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Your retweet link marked your friends and tagged #Airdrop #QuantumINT #QIAirdrop #QITokens #Intelligence #blockchaintechnology *
Join Quantum Intelligence Airdrop here: https://www.instagram.com/quantumintelligence/
Join Quantum Intelligence Airdrop here: https://www.instagram.com/quantumintelligence/
#Airdrop #QuantumINT #QIAirdrop #QITokens #Intelligence #blockchaintechnology

Follow Quantum Intelligence on Instagram. (https://www.instagram.com/quantumintelligence/)
Mention at least three (5) friends in the comment section of our Airdrop post. (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw13rHgBLdM)
Your profile link https://www.instagram.com *
Your repost link at https://www.instagram.com *
Go to YouTube and sign the Quantum Intelligence Change channel.
Your profile (youtube.com) *
Go to Facebook and go to the Quantum Intelligence page.
Share this post (https://www.facebook.com/inteqi/videos/1849182931859984/) with caption:

 Join Quantum Intelligence Airdrop here: https://t.me/QItoken
#Airdrop #QuantumInt #QuantumAirdrop #QITokens # Intelligence #blockchaintechnology
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Quantum intelligence
Join Quantum Intelligence Airdrop telegram
 Join Quantum Intelligence Airdrop here: https://t.me/QItoken
#Airdrop #QuantumInt #QuantumAirdrop #QITokens # Intelligence #blockchaintechnology

Go to Telegram and join the Quantum Intelligence community. (https://t.me/QItoken)
Your profile link telegram (https://t.me/QItoken) *
Your token address ERC20 (https://myetherwallet.com) *
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