7月9、18日 参加申込フォーム Discussion Cafe Event Sign-up Form

*The sign-up deadline has been extended for international students only until July 16!


Hello! This is Jacob from the Rikkyo Global Lounge. 

We will be holding two Discussion Cafe events, where you can discuss in small groups an international-themed topic prepared by another Rikkyo student, on July 9 at Niiza Campus and July 18 at Ikebukuro Campus! Both international students and domestic students are invited to these events, and Global Lounge staff will provide some light snacks!

If you are interested in having a deeper or slightly more academic discussion with other Rikkyo students than you would at other Global Lounge events, but still casual like other Global Lounge events, this is the event for you. Both events will be held mainly in English, but at the event if everyone in your group understands Japanese you can use Japanese as well. All participants will be Rikkyo students so there is no need to be nervous!

Event contents・The student who chose the theme will talk briefly about why they chose the theme and what they hope everyone can discuss about (around 1 minute).
・For the rest of the time, everyone can discuss the theme freely in small groups 
※Conversation topics related to the theme will be provided 
※You are welcome to eat during the events!

See below for details for each of the two events, and fill out the form below to sign-up. 

ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Event ①
Date and time:Tuesday, July 9, 12:35~13:15
Location:Niiza Campus Global Lounge (Building 8 Floor 1)
Theme:How to study English or other languages using AI 
Discuss ways to use AI for studying English or other languages, and other related topics such as what AI's are currently out there for studying, what effects AI will have on language learning, and if language learning is still necessary even with AI. You can join even if you have not used AI before!
Who can attend: all Rikkyo international and domestic students
This event will be held even if the participants, besides the domestic student who chose this theme, are all international students or all domestic students. 
Language:English or Japanese (Ideally everyone can use this opportunity to have a discussion in English, but unless there are international students in each group that cannot understand Japanese, Japanese can be used as well!)


Event ②
Date and time:Thursday, July 18, 12:35~13:15
Location Ikebukuro Campus Global Lounge  (Mckim Hall M2 Floor) 
Theme:What is 'Cool Japan'? ~Looking at Japan from the outside~
From the student who submitted this theme: In recent years, the phrase Cool Japan has been used more ironically. However, I would like to find out what cool is from the perspective of other countries. I hope we can deepen our understanding of all our countries, not just through the viewpoints of foreigners looking at Japan, but also through how Japanese people see other countries. 
Who can attend: all Rikkyo international and domestic students
This event will be held even if the participants, besides the domestic student who chose this theme, are all domestic students, or even if it is a small group of all international students. 
Language:English or Japanese (For this event ideally there will be both international and Japanese students, in which English will be the main language, but unless there are international students in each group that cannot understand Japanese, Japanese can be used as well!)


Max number of participants for each event:48 at Ikebukuro Campus, 25 at Niiza Campus

※If there are more sign-ups than seats we will decide participation by lottery. However, if there are both international and domestic students signed up, we will do our best to make sure there is a balance between them. We will let you know by email if you can participate by the day after the deadline. Please make sure to join if you are invited. 

How to sign-up:submit this sign-up form below (it is the same form for both events)
Sign-up deadline: 
 Event ①:July 4 (Thursday) --> there are still open seats so anyone can join!
 Event ②:July 11 (Thursday) --> extended for international students until July 16!

How to join: An email will be sent to confirm your participation after the deadline. After receiving confirmation from the Global Lounge, please come to the Global Lounge 5 minutes before the event starts. 

※Since there are a limited number of participants, please email
global-lounge@rikkyo.ac.jp as soon as you can if you can longer participate for any reason.


7月9日に新座キャンパスで、7月18日に池袋キャンパスで、2名の立教生に選んでいただいた国際的なテーマについて小グループでディスカッションができるDiscussion Cafeのイベントを開催します!留学生と国内学生も両方大歓迎で、グローバルラウンジ担当が軽いお菓子を提供します。





Event ① 日時:7月9日(火)12:35~13:15
場所:新座キャンパスのグローバルラウンジ (8号館1階)
テーマ:  英語(外国語)の勉強にどうやってAIを利用できるか

対象者: すべての留学生と国内学生


Event ② 日時:7月18日(木)12:35~13:15
場所:池袋キャンパスのグローバルラウンジ (マキムホール中2階)
テーマ クールジャパンとは何? ~海外から日本を見つめなおす~  
対象者: すべての留学生と国内学生
言語:英語と日本語  (このイベントは理想的に留学生と日本人学生の両方が参加して、その場合主に英語になりますが、小グループに日本語の分からない留学生がいなければ日本語も利用できますし、参加者は全員立教生ですので、英語に関してはペラペラ話せなくても大丈夫です!)


定員:池袋 48名、新座25名

※申込が定員を超えたら参加可否を抽選で決めさせていただきますが、留学生と国内学生の申込が両方ある場合、出来る限りバランスがあるように参加可否を決めます。申込締切後にメールで参加可否についてお知らせします。招待が届いたら必ず参加してください。   申込方法:こちらの申込フォームを提出してください

 イベント①:7月4日(木)--> まだ空いている席があるので当日参加でも大丈夫です!
 イベント②:7月11日(木)--> 留学生のためにだけ7月16日まで延長!



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Email *
①学生番号 Student Number *
こちらからお送りするメールは、学生番号のメールアドレスに送ります。We will contact you using your student number email address. 
②学生番号(確認)Student Number (Confirmation)
こちらからお送りするメールは、学生番号のメールアドレスに送ります。We will contact you using your student number email address. 
③氏名 First and last name *
学生証に記載されている氏名を正しく記入してください. Please write the name that is on your student ID.
④Student Status 学生区別 *
⑤学年 Grade level *
⑥学部 Department *
7月9日(火)のイベントに参加したいですか?Do you want to join the event on Tuesday, July 9?
「いいえ」と選択しても、あとで参加したくなったらもう一度フォームを提出しても大丈夫です。Even if you select 'No', if you decide you want to join later you are welcome to submit this form again. 
Clear selection
7月18日(木)のイベントに参加したいですか?Do you want to join the event on Tuesday, July 18? 
「いいえ」と選択しても、あとで参加したくなったらもう一度フォームを提出しても大丈夫です。Even if you select 'No', if you decide you want to join later you are welcome to submit this form again. 
Clear selection
申込後、参加できなくなった場合は、すぐグローバルラウンジ<global-lounge@rikkyo.ac.jp>に連絡できますか? After applying, if you can no longer attend for any reason, can you contact <global-lounge@rikkyo.ac.jp> as soon as possible?
定員のあるイベントのため、必ず参加できる方のみ申込をしてください。ご協力をお願いします。Since there a limited number of seats, please only apply if you are sure you can attend. Thank you for your cooperation.
We may take pictures at events to share on the Global Lounge website, social media, or other Rikkyo webpage or media. Are you OK having your picture taken? If not, please tell Global Lounge staff when you get to the event. イベントで写真を撮って、グローバルラウンジのウェブサイト、SNS、またはその他の立教のウェブページなどに掲載する可能性があります。撮影されても大丈夫ですか?撮影されたくない場合、イベントに着いたときにグローバルラウンジのスタッフに言ってください。
Any other questions or comments. その他の質問、コメント。
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