School Uniform Review
Dear parents, we are seeking your opinion on the current uniform offerings with a look to moving to a years 9-12 uniform that is separate and distinct from the 5-8 uniform for seniors.  At the moment there is little distinction in the uniform between a student in year 5, and a student in year 12. 

We are not looking to change the uniform totally, and the existing uniform will remain the same for the most part for K-8. However, an example of a suggested change is that shorts have been requested a number of times for years 5-8. This is your opportunity to have your say about the school uniform as it currently stands.  We are open to listening to any feedback about our current uniform.

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Email *
Parent Name *
Child’s name/s and year groups
What do you like about our current uniform?
What would you change about our current uniform? 
What is the biggest concern to you as a parent regarding school uniform:
Any other comments you’d like to make? 
Would you be interested in being involved in further feedback once designs are available?
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