AFL1 Orders-> Requests - Listening
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English Name: *
Class: *
Seat Number: *
1.  ________________ if I use my computer? *
1 point
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2.  ________________ the air conditioning? *
1 point
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3.  _____________ok if I eat in the library? *
1 point
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4.  _____________ I bring in my cat? *
1 point
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5.  _____________ you stop ____________, please? *
1 point
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6.  _____________ turning off your cellphone, please? *
1 point
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7.  Would you mind_____________ the music, please? *
1 point
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Part 2:
Pick up your garbage --> Pick it up!
8.  Turn off the music! *
1 point
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9.  Put out that fire! *
1 point
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10.  Take off your shoes! *
1 point
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Change NO --> don't.  Change Don't ---> no.
Some people BREAK the rules!
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