AAAオンラインセミナー申し込みフォーム( AAA Online Seminar Registration Form  )

This is the application form for the online seminar that the vocational school Anime Artist Academy (AAA) will hold on 2/28. The personal information obtained from this application form will be used only for the internal operation of AAA, and we will take the utmost care to prevent it from leaking to the outside.
Email *
Please provide your Family name    in alphabetical characters ( Family   name)  
  あなたの苗字をアルファベットで記載してください。( Family name )
Please provide your name in alphabetical characters (First name) 
  あなたの名前をアルファベットで記載してください。( First name   )
Please indicate your country or region of residence in alphabetical characters (e.g., Tokyo, Japan) 

Please select your age from the following options
Please select your gender / あなたの性別を選んでください *
Please select your occupation from the options below/ あなたの職業を以下の選択肢から選んでください
Topics of Interest   Please check the topics you are interested in:   /あなたが今後学びたいオンライン授業のテーマは以下の中にありますか? *
Please tell us why you are interested in this seminar.  Please select one or more options below:  / あなたがこのセミナーに関心を持った理由を教えてください。 *
Are you considering studying abroad in Japan in the future? If so, are you also considering enrolling in anime-related vocational schools or universities? / 今後、日本への留学を考えていますか。その際にアニメ系の専門学校や大学への入学も検討していますか。 *
Please tell us the titles of your favorite Japanese anime, manga, and games. (Free-text, multiple entries possible)  /あなたが好きな日本のアニメや漫画、ゲームのタイトルを教えてください。(記述式・複数記載可能)
If you have any questions for the instructors during this online class, please write them here. 
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