MOBC Kids Ministries
Registration Form for MOBC Kids Ministry: Wednesday Nights & Olive Branch.

Olive Branch

Olive Branch, a monthly after-school program for 1st – 5th graders!  There will be snacks, Bible stories, games, crafts & music.  At school dismissal, we will walk students with permission slips to the church. 

Starting September 12, 2024 (2nd Thursday of each month.)
After school – 4:45pm
Mount Olivet Baptist Church, Fred, TX. (Located next to Fred Elementary School)

Pick-up will begin at 4:45pm. at the front sanctuary doors.  The person picking up MUST be listed on the Registration Form & will need to show a photo ID.  This is to protect your child as well as Mount Olivet Baptist Church.

Transportation:  In order to reach students that DO NOT have transportation home we can provide transportation to 13 students.  Please check the transportation box if NEEDED and include a physical address on the registration form.

MOBC Kids Wednesday Night Ministry

MOBC Kids, a weekly bible study for Kindergarten - 5th graders!  We will have a light supper, music, games & bible study, every Wednesday night starting in September - May, with the exceptions to holidays.  

Starting September 4th, 2024 


Mount Olivet Baptist Church, Fred, TX.  

Pick-up will begin at 7:30 pm on the South side of the church at the side doors.  A laminated # card will be issued to each family.. You MUST have this card to pick up your Child/Children.  This is to protect your child as well as Mount Olivet Baptist Church.

Transportation:  In order to reach students that DO NOT have transportation home we can provide transportation to 13 students.  Please check the transportation box if NEEDED and include a physical address on the registration form.

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What ministry are you registering for? (Choose all that applies.) *
Childs Name *
Birthdate *
Grade *
Prarent/Gaurdian *
Phone Number *
Can we text this number? *
Mailing Address *
Email address *
Allergies/Medical Needs/Special Accommodations *
Name of Church you attend? *
Would you like more info about Mount Olivet? *

Please list anyone who has permission to pick-up your child & can be reached in-case of an emergency and the Parents/ Guardians cannot be reached.  (First & Last name and phone #)

Our transportation is limited. Will your child need transportation home? *
If your child needs transportation home, please give your physical address.
Mount Olivet has permission to photograph my child during Olive Branch and Wednesday Night Ministry. (If a photograph is taken, no names or personal information about your child will be released with the picture)   *

I, (Parent/guardian), understand that MOBC has taken reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of my child.  I hereby release MOBC from liability for injuries sustained while my child participates in the previously stated MOBC Kids ministries.  I understand that MOBC will not dispense any medications to my child, and I will be notified if the need for medication or medical treatment arises.  I understand that I am responsible for picking up my child at the end of the MOBC Kids activity unless transportation has been arranged with MOBC. (Please put your full name as this will act as an electronic signature)

Date *
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