Choosing your Dog's Food: Who is Leading the Pack?
“We invite you to complete this survey that is being conducted by the Companion Animal and Comparative Nutrition Laboratory in the Animal Sciences Department at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The objective of this survey is to better understand the relationship between pet owners and their dogs as it pertains to their nutrition and lifestyle.

This questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to be completed and is composed of 2 parts: the first one is about the pet owner and the second one is about their dog. Each part has demographic, lifestyle and nutrition questions.

Confidentiality: Faculty, staff, students, and others with permission or authority to see your study information will maintain its confidentiality to the extent permitted and required by laws and university policies.  The names or personal identifiers of participants will not be published or presented.

Risks and Benefits: There are no anticipated risks to you if you participate in this study. Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. The data from this survey will contribute to a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the relationship between pet owners and their dogs as it pertains to their nutrition and lifestyle.

Statement of consent: I consent to take part in this research study by completing this survey online.”

Contact information:  If you feel you have not been treated according to the descriptions in this form, or if you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, including questions, concerns, complaints, or to offer input, you may call the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) at 217-333-2670 or e-mail OPRS at Principal investigator: Maria R. Cattai de Godoy at 217-300-0226 or e-mail: 

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Pet Parent Demographic, Lifestyle and Nutritional Information
1. Personal questions
1.1.  Which of the following best describes the area you live in? *
1.2. How many people live in your house? *
1.3. Where did you grow up? *
1.4. How do you indentify your gender? *
1.5. What is your age group? *
1.6. What is your level of education? *
1.7. What is your approximate average household income? *
2. Lifestyle
2.1. How do you view yourself? *
2.2. How often do you exercise? *
2.3. Do you exercise with your pet? *
3. Nutrition
3.1. What does “eating healthy” mean to you? (please check all that apply) *
3.2. Considering your answer to the previous question (3.1), how often do you eat healthy? *
3.3. How important is it for you to eat healthy? *
3.4. How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat in a week? *
3.5. Do you read the Nutrition Facts box on grocery items to decide what items to purchase? *
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3.6. How often do you have 3 main meals daily (i.e., breakfast, lunch and dinner)? *
3.7. Do you normally snack between meals?
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3.8. Do you take nutritional supplements?
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3.9. Based on the previous question, what nutritional supplements do you take? (please check all that apply) *
4. About you and your pet
4.1. How many dogs do you have living with you? *
* For the rest of the survey, pick one of your dogs and respond to the rest of the questionnaire with that particular dog in mind
4.2. For how many years have you owned this dog? *
4.3. How did you acquire your dog? *
4.4. What was your motivation to have a dog? (please check all that apply) *
4.5. What is your dog's age range? *
4.6. What is the body size of your dog? *
4.7. Where are the most common places that your dog sleeps? (please check all that apply) *
4.8. Please rank from 1 to 7 your feelings about this statement (1 being strongly disagree and 7 being strongly agree): My dog is my best friend *
4.9. Please rank from 1 to 7 your feelings about this statement (1 being strongly disagree and 7 being strongly agree): My dog is part of the family
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4.10. Please rank from 1 to 7 your feelings about this statement (1 being strongly disagree and 7 being strongly agree): I treat my dog like my child
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Your Dog’s Lifestyle and Nutritional Information
5. Lifestyle
5.1. How often does your dog perfom physical activity? *
5.2. What is the most common physical activity that your dog performs? *
5.3. Click on the picture that best represents the body condition of your dog. *
6. Nutrition
6.1. Do you believe that your dog has nutritional needs similar than yours? *
6.2. Where do you normally purchase your dog’s food? *
6.3. What do you most often feed your dog?
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6.4. How often do you give treats to your dog? *
6.5. How many times a day do you feed your dog? *
6.6. How often do you weigh your dog?
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6.7. How do you know how much to feed your dog? *
6.8. Do you take into consideration the Nutrition Facts (guaranteed analysis + list of ingredients) of your dog’s food when purchasing it? *
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6.9. How do you choose your dog’s food? (Please check all that apply) *
6.10. How important is cost in choosing your dog food?
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6.11. How important is it to you that your dog eats healthy? *
6.12. Would you be willing to spend more to provide a healthier food for your dog? *
6.13. What does “eating healthy” mean when it comes to your dog’s nutrition? (please check all that apply) *
6.14. Do you give additional food items to your dog, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, yogurt, dairy products, etc.? *
6.15. Based on the previous question, how often are these food items fed to your dog?   *
6.16. Based on the previous question, why do you feed these food items to your dog? *
6.17. Please rank from 1 to 7 your feelings about this statement (1 being strongly disagree and 7 being strongly agree) : All food items that I eat are appropriate for my dog *
6.18. Please rank from 1 to 7 your feelings about this statement (1 being strongly disagree and 7 being strongly agree): My dog’s diet is based on my nutritional philosophy. *
6.19. Do you give your dog any nutritional supplements?
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6.20. Based on the previous question, what nutritional supplements do you give your dog? (please check all that apply) *
7. Meal Time Behavior
7.1. What behavior does your dog display when you are preparing their meal to let you know they are excited to receive the food? (please check all that apply) *
7.2. What behaviors does your dog display when you’re preparing their meal to let you know they are NOT excited to receive the food? (check all that apply) *
7.3. What behaviors does your dog display while eating to let you know they’re enjoying their meal? (please check all that apply) *
7.4 What behaviors does your dog display while eating to let you know they’re NOT enjoying their meal? (please check all that apply) *
7.5. What behaviors does your dog display after eating a meal to let you know they’ve enjoyed their food? (please check all that apply) *
7.6. What behaviors does your dog display after eating a meal to let you know they’ve NOT enjoyed their food? (please check all that apply) *
The survey is now completed! We thank you for your participation and time. Please do not forget to click on the submit button below.
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