Application for Music Aptitude Assessment Test Year 7 2025 entry
Please complete this form if you would like your child to sit the music aptitude assessment test to be considered under the music specialism criterion for a place in Year 7 2025
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Email *
Please select which school(s) you would like your child to be considered for a music specialism place *
Child's Details
Child's Surname *
Child's First Name (s) *
Child's Date of Birth DD.MM.YY (The music aptitude assessment test is for children born between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014. If your child's DOB does not fall between these dates please contact admissions at the school for advice). *
Parent/carer details
Parent/carer Title (tick as appropriate) *
Parent/carer Surname *
Parent/carer First Name *
Parent/Carer contact telephone number *
Parent/Carer contact email (Please ensure this is up to date and monitored and check your spam/junk folder as all correspondence about the application will be sent via email).   *
Does your child have any SEN or health needs that we need to be aware of while they are taking the test. Please note we are unable to allow extra time during the test. Staff will provide support where appropriate. *
If answered yes to previous question please give details
Interpreter required: Will your child need an interpreter while taking the test? *
Interpreter Language: If answered yes to previous question please give details
I declare that I have parental responsibility for the child named in this application, the above details are correct and I understand that failure to disclose or the giving of false information will result in my application being rejected.  I understand that should false information be given in the above details, any subsequent offer will be withdrawn and I will be permanently excluded. I agree to Cathedral Schools Trust, as the admission authority processing personal data contained in this application form and other relevant data which the trust may obtain from me or other people as part of the admissions procedure.  I agree to the processing of such data for any purposes described above.  (This is in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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