Alumni Talks - PhD Edition (8/jun 2022)
On June 8th Alumni Talks - PhD Edition is back!

At this event, you will be able to share an informal conversation, accompanied by breakfast, with alumni from Técnico who have pursued a PhD. It will be an opportunity to share experiences, clarify doubts and understand your opportunities for the future.

- June 8th, 2022;
- 9:00 AM
- Sala de Reuniões do Pavilhão Central

This edition of Alumni Talks is specially designed to help current PhD students clarify doubts, learn about different career paths and share experiences with former students who have lived the reality in which students find themselves today.

9:00 - Welcome
9:20 - Breakfast
10:30 - Networking
11:00 - Wrap Up

Participation is free of charge and, in order to apply, you only need to fill in the Registration Form below, until 11:59 p.m of June 6th. The selection of participants will be made by order of registration.

After your registration you will receive a confirmation email, with additional information.

Event organized by CareerCenter@Técnico in collaboration with Técnico PhD Student Club and NAPE.
Powered by Santander Universidades.

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Doctoral Programme you attend: *
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How did you hear about this Alumni Talk? *
Your personal data will only be used for registration management and statistical purposes. *
I authorise IST to use my image on video or photographic support, exclusively with the purpose of notifying or promoting the Alumni Talks. *
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