New Client Application
If you think you might be interested in working with me & my team, go ahead and fill out the application below and we'll reach out schedule a consultation call if it seems like your project seems like a good fit!
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Email *
Main Contact(s) for the project - name, email, phone # *
Current average monthly revenue for your business *
Current monthly revenue attributed to email marketing *
What's your current prospect (email) list size?
What's your current buyer/customer list size?
How often do you send emails?
Describe the project you're interested in working with me on (copywriting, consulting, online community architecture and/or launch, etc...) *
If you have an existing funnel you want copy optimized for, please provide links to the pages you need reworked.
If you publish content regularly, please give me 3 links to your very best work. (This could be a blog post or YouTube video that went viral, a client case study that you are really proud of, or a Facebook post that got a ton of comments. Show me something that your customers loved and responded to. Something that represents the unique value & perspective your business brings to your audience :-)
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