Project Hygiene, Inc.
2311 Wilson Blvd, 3rd Fl., Arlington, VA 22201  || 202-642-4146

Project Hygiene is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization established to support underprivileged youth ages 10 -18 by encouraging enhanced health and wellness practices while denouncing bullying by donating toiletries and hosting engaging programs.

Project Hygiene's vision is to create healthy, safe environments where youth feel uplifted and empowered to be kind to themselves and each other.

If your organization is in need of toiletries, then please fill out this form. The Project Hygiene
team will review the donation request and notify you of our decision. Thank you and have a good day.

Kind Regards,

Team Project Hygiene

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Tax ID#: *
Name of Organization: *
Contact Person: *
Contact Email: *
Contact Phone Number: *
Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Website and Social Media Page: *
Quantity  Requested: *
Please select which quantity you're requesting:  || Note - Project Hygiene \nd will meet with each organization to find out more about your event and initiative. Upon that meeting, Project Hygiene will make a final decision on how much product will be donated.
Toiletries  Requested: *
Please select which items you would like donated to your organization:
Anticipated number of toiletry recipients: *
Purpose of Donation (s): *
Please give us a brief statement about your organization: *
How will donated toiletries benefit your community and organization? *
Donate to Project Hygiene: We are a small non-profit that believes in helping the youth, shelters and schools. However, doing this work can sometimes become expensive and we want to be able to help more youth, their families and their schools. Project Hygiene turned 10 years old in December and we would like to continue our mission. Please consider donating $10.00 to help us further our initiatives or donating to youth.  Donate ---> or via Cash App at $ProjectHygiene
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