Cat Colony Assistance Request
This request may be made by any individual or organization facilitating Trap-Neuter- Release efforts for colony cats in Wisconsin. Complete all questions. Filling out this application does not guarantee funding. (NOTE: If you are already an approved TNR Partner with The Fix Is In, please use this form instead.) 
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Your name, first and last *
Your phone number *
Your email *
What is the address of the property where the cats live? *
Are you the owner of the property where the cats are living and being cared for? *
How many cats and kittens are estimated to be living in this colony? *
Do the cats have adequate shelter, food and water at this property? *
Can all of the cats and kittens continue to live at this property after they are spayed or neutered? *
If you responded NO to the question above, explain why the cats and kittens cannot continue to live at this property.
What clinic will you use for surgeries? *
Will all cats be ear-tipped? *
Will all cats receive rabies and FVRCP vaccinations? *
What is the post-surgical plan for addressing intact cats who may join the colony after this effort?
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