8 Week Challenge Goal Setting
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
What does optimal physical health and fitness look like? Please define what physical health and fitness means to you by checking all the statements that apply. *
Using the definition of optimal health and fitness that you have illustrated above, how would this 8 Week Challenge help you to achieve this personal health? *
What short-term and long-term health and fitness goals do you have? *
What things can you begin doing during this challenge to help you achieve your short-term and long-term goals? *
What could keep you from reaching your goals? How can you overcome those obstacles? *
How do you plan to hold yourself accountable to your goals? *
How are you being supported at home to help you reach your fitness and health goals? *
What are your expectations of Ascent and your challenge coach? *
At the end of the challenge, what would make you feel like you have been successful? *
Set an appointment to sign up for Ascent's 8 Week Challenge on September 18th.  Appointments will go from 10am-1pm. When you come in to sign up, we will go over your goals with you, help you make a plan for your challenge, and talk nutrition! The entire appointment will take 30-60 minutes. You can sign up for your appointment by clicking the coordinating box below. Please text or call Ascent at (208)345-2377 if you have any questions. Get ready for an awesome experience! *
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