Congregational Pastoral Priorities Survey
This worksheet is filled out by both pastors and congregations and is designed to identify the perceived needs/priorities of the congregation and the priorities and vision of pastoral candidates. It is an initial screen that helps identify general agreement between what the church is seeking and the priorities a pastor has for their ministry. The questions are categorized using the six core competencies of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada.


Think about what your needs and expectations are for the pastor you want and how you think they should use their time and energy.

Click the box to indicate your answer for each priority. Make sure you select only one box for each priority.
  • Mark only six (6) as low
  • Mark only twelve (12) as medium
  • Mark only six (6) as high
Here is a link to a PDF version of the questions if it would be helpful to see them all at once. Hard copies of this document are also available on the table next to the church office for your reference or if you would prefer to respond on paper instead of digitally.
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SECTION: Biblical Story
PRIORITY #1: Pastor prepares and delivers Bible-based sermons. *
PRIORITY #2: Pastor is actively involved in teaching Scripture and theology for the purpose of equipping people to grow in their faith and practice. *
PRIORITY #3: Pastor spends time studying the Bible for the purpose of ministry. *
PRIORITY #4: Pastor spends time reading contemporary books related to issues in biblical interpretation and application *
SECTION: Anabaptist/Mennonite Story, Theology, and Practice
PRIORITY #5: Pastor embraces the priesthood of all believers—sharing leadership in the congregation by including, empowering, and equipping congregation members for leadership. *
PRIORITY #6: Pastor is committed to gifts-based ministry, helping congregation members identify their spiritual gifts and empowering their use in ministry. *
PRIORITY #7: Pastor supports the conference and denomination by what they do and say—
helping the congregation connect to the wider church.
PRIORITY #8: Pastor has a good working knowledge of Anabaptist history and theology and is able to connect that history to contemporary questions and challenges. *
SECTION: Christian Spirituality/Discipleship
PRIORITY #9: Pastor provides leadership in assessing the formation needs of the congregation and helps develop opportunities for growth and transformation. *
PRIORITY #10: Pastor actively participates in planning, designing, and leading worship services. *
PRIORITY #11: Pastor models and teaches personal and communal spiritual practices. *
PRIORITY #12: Pastor fosters a discipleship culture in which members follow Jesus in relationships of mutual accountability. *
SECTION: Self-awareness, Emotional Health, and Pastoral Care
PRIORITY #13: Pastor engages in self-care, managing self in ministry in ways that ensure emotional health, maintain healthy boundaries, and make space for healthy accountability. *
PRIORITY #14: Pastor initiates counseling and pastoral care for those within and outside the congregation and makes appropriate referrals. *
PRIORITY #15: Pastor prioritizes important rituals of commitment, transition, and healing with individuals, family, and congregation (infant dedication, baptism, weddings, funerals, communion, footwashing, etc.). *
PRIORITY #16: Pastor visits those in hospitals, emergency situations, and long-term care facilities—informing the congregation of opportunities to provide mutual support and care. *
SECTION: Contextual Awareness/Missional Engagement
PRIORITY #17: Pastor is personally engaged in the community, working with community groups, local ecumenical groups, and interfaith efforts. *
PRIORITY #18: Pastor leads the church in proclaiming the good news in word and deed, leading to individual growth, congregational growth, and/or church planting. *
PRIORITY #19: Pastor connects the call of Jesus to contemporary issues of justice and peace, developing strategies to engage in what God is doing to restore Shalom. *
PRIORITY #20: Pastor helps connect the gifts and capacities of the congregation to the needs of persons outside the church—creating space for new persons to enter into and connect to the congregation. *
SECTION: Leadership
PRIORITY #21: Pastor facilitates the development and implementation of vision, mission, and goals with the congregation, including appropriate administrative and
supervisory responsibilities.
PRIORITY #22: Pastor works with the congregation to develop healthy stewardship practices, including a system of responsible budgeting, financial management, and financial decision making. *
PRIORITY #23: Pastor leads in developing effective and transparent communication. *
PRIORITY #24: Pastor models healthy ways of living with congregational differences, working at conflict resolution, problem-solving, and communal decision-making processes. *
Please make sure you have only marked six (6) as low & six (6) as high, the rest should be medium. *
Is there anything you would like to tell the Search Committee as we look for PMC’s next Lead Pastor? (optional)
Are you willing to be contacted by a member of the Search Committee for a follow up conversation; one-to-one or as part of a small group? (optional)
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