Sub Application for NiaNicole
If you wish to become one of my subs you must fill out and complete the following sub application. Acceptance is subject to my approval! 18+ ONLY
Birthday *
What is your name? *
What is your gender? *
What is your relationship status? *
If your answer was not single, does your partner know about your Findom kink? *
What is your preferred method of communication? *
Where are you located? ( include city and state) *
What is your job title? *
What is your annual salary? *
Do you have previous Findom experience? *
Are you interested in virtual or in person worship/submission? *
What do you like being called/petname? *
What are your biggest submission kinks? *
What are your hard limits? *
What are you looking for? ( check all that applies) *
What type of dynamic are you looking for? Please describe your ideal domme/sub relationship. *
What is your desired amount of contact/communication between us? *
How often are you able to tribute/send? *
Did those two answers line up? If not re-think your answer. *
What is your weekly budget for sending? (Enter dollar amount) *
Why do you enjoy Findom? *
Please write anything else you'd like me to know, any questions, or any concerns *
How did you find me? *
Why should I allow you to become one of my subs? *
What is your email address? *
By selecting "yes" I acknowledge I am of sound mind and have filled out this form out of my own volition. *
You understand that upon completion and submission of this form, if you are accepted you are now my property and owned sub? *
Once this application is completed, submit it along with $35 tribute to my CA, YouPay, or Throne, and send me a message to let me know you've done so to be considered. *
Now write thank you Nia for allowing me to apply to be your sub. *
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