Firesquid - Game submission form
If you have a game to pitch that matches our editorial stance, please fill the form below.
Reminder: we only look for strategy games and we are open to games going from the broad range of Tactical RPG to 4X, turn-based tactics, RTS or Deckbuilder.
Please expect an average time of 3 weeks to get some news from our team once you've submitted it.
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Email *
📄 Game *
What is the title of your game project ?
✒️ Developer *
What studio or developer is creating that game? 
📧 Contact person e-mail *
Please note the e-mail of the contact person to reach out for a follow-up and if we have any questions about the game project. (this address can be different from the one requested at the beginning of that form)
🤌 Game pitch *
Please pitch your game in a few lines, in a way you'll be selling it to your main audience.
🥊 Competitors *
Please list below the closest released (or soon to be released) game competitor that your project may have
🕹️ Game modes *
Is your game single player or multiplayer only? Does it do both? Does it include a multiplayer mode playable on a same device? 
🎭 Genre
🧩 Production state *
What is the current state of your project? 

Ideation: concept and rough prototype, but no playable to share (we might skip easily on this)
Pre-production: playable prototype of the core experience, content is subject to change
Production: solid playable prototype, some content is well advanced
Post-Production: the V1 is ready to launch, if not already launch, it's all about creating additional content (DLC or else) from now
🎮 Platforms *
Please indicate what are the currently targeted platforms of your game.
💼 Business Model *
🧪 Early Access *
What is your stance toward Early Acces development?
⌛ Production start *
When did/will the production of the game start? (in case your production only start once you've secured a publishing deal, please indicate the date of submission - today)
📅 Planned release date *
Please indicate an estimated release date for your game.
🏦 Game production cost *
How much money does your game production cost overall? Please indicate the currency if it's in US dollars $ or in Euro €.
💵 Production funding needed *
How much money do you need to achieve the production until the release state? (this should only include production expenses, please exclude any marketing, communication, porting, QA & localization expenses)
🌐 Website
Please provide an URL to the game project website, if any.
🧾 Store page
Please provide an URL to the game store page (Steam or else), if any.
📁 Folder link (pitchdeck, prototype, video, documents) *
Please create an accessible online shared folder for our team where we could get access to a:
1. Pitch deck of the game (mandatory)
2. Playable prototype of the game (mandatory)
3. Trailer or gameplay video (optional)
4. Game design document (optional)
5. Technical document (optional)
6. Marketing analysis of your game (optional)  
⚖️ Additional notes
If there is anything you think should be added with your submission that may help our team to understand better your project or that we should consider carefully when reviewing your project, please add any notes in this last section. Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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