Fill out all fields below. If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to

$1050 per week

1. 1-8 week development.
2. Unlimited free showings of work both Private or Public.
3. Can use a presentation of a pre-existing show for multiple nights to defray the cost of development of new  work. Must have at least one showing of new work at the end of the residency.
4. Can give workshops to defray the cost of development of new work.
5. Can have a space share with another company to help share the cost of the residency.
6. If alcohol is sold there is a 50/50 split in profits with IRT.

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Email *
Contact Name: *
Contact Phone
Production Company or Primary Artist
Project Title
Preferred Residency Dates and Date Range
Public or Private Showing of Work
Online Photos/Videos/Source Material (Provide Link)

What are you hoping to get out of your residency at IRT? (Max 250 Words)


Brief Company Description:(Max 250 Words)


Project Description (Max 250 words). Script or script samples welcome (where applicable).


Primary Artists Bios


List of designers and production staff/crew


Does your project have any unique performance or technical requirements? 


Has this piece ever been performed before? Please describe when, and where, and in what venue. 


Describe the physical production/design elements that you want to create as part of the residency (set pieces, costumes, props, etc).


Are there any grants funding your project? If yes, which ones?


How did you find out about IRT?


Please list the name, relationship, phone number and email address of two people who can talk about your work: 

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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