Guru Parampara: Required Reading Google Form
Please answer the following questions about the required reading for Guru Parampara: MANTRA AND THE MYSTERY OF INITIATION by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait. Questions are fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice.This google form was designed to make sure you gleaned some of the most important points of the text.

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The only way to conquer fear––the first obstacle to finding the bridge between the outer and inner realms which is mantra––is to conquer the 2nd obstacle: _____________. *
1 point
Chapter 2: The Divine Light of absolute Truth flows forth in 3 distinct stages: prajna is the pure and perfect, spontaneous knowledge of Truth in its entirety; pratibha refers to intellectual revelation or genius––it is a flash rather than a continuous flow of light; madha or___ is the mind’s retentive power, it’s ability to store experiences and therefore provides constant guidance to the buddhi (intellect). *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 2: Simultaneously and in correlation with the manifestation of Divine Light in 3 stages, Divine Sound also manifests in three stages: pashyanti is the highest stage, in which the Word is unarticulated and contains the pure and perfect knowledge of truth; madhyama refers to when the Word contains a clear knowledge of one aspect of the Truth and is a vehicle for the flash of genius, also unarticulated; in the 3rd stage, __________, the Word is a locus for retentive power and in this stage it is articulated. Mantra initiation is given at this level––it is spoken by a teacher and heard by a student––then, with dedicated practice, the Word passes progressively through the more subtle stages of madhyama and pashyanti, and the meditator will hear the same word at a different frequency. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 3: Regardless the level of the seeker, the spiritual quest is undertaken due to an inspiration from within; this inspiration, when combined with motivation, becomes a force called ________  ________, the power of the soul––the inner teacher. It is this force that leads the seeker to find their teacher in this lifetime. It is then this teacher that leads the seeker back to the teacher within. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 4: So’ham is a mantra of the fundamental life force, prana. It pulls together all the pieces of our mind, senses, and body, removing our scatteredness, bringing a sense of wholeness, and most important, quieting our mind. It is an excellent preparatory mantra.Chapter 5: According to the scriptures, the true form of a mantra is not what you see when when it is written or what you hear when it is articulated. Rather, the essence of a mantra is _______, the pure, unstruck, eternal sound that contains the entire universe in its unmanifest form. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
______ mantras, also known as seed mantras, are the locus for divine powers. Although their general function is divine protection, inner guidance, and cultivation of the power of determination, the powers unique to each mantra affect specific pranic currents and the unconscious contents of the deeper levels of the mind. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 6: Out of all the classes of mantras, learned teachers generally recommend only meditative, contemplative and ________ mantras.   *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 6: A mantra received during initiation is known as a________ mantra. Its aim is to dispel the darkness of ignorance and protecting the mind while leading it into the deeper dimensions of life. Because these meditative mantras are imbued with the power of inner guidance and divine protection, they help you transform your unconscious mind. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 7: Energy is absorbed by the principal channel of vibration, the __________, its unique frequency is then broadcast outward into the rest of the body. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 7: When we shift our attention from an abstract and geometrical representation of the divine energy to a more personified and mythological one, a ________ turns into a deity. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Chapter 8: Granthi means “knot” or “entanglement.” When _______  __________ is conferred by a teacher to a student only after a prolonged, dedicated practice of mantra japa, kundalini shakti awakens and travels upwards; it cuts through the three main knots––rudra granthi at the navel center, vishnu granthi at the heart center and brahma granthi at the 3rd eye––on its way to the bindu, the entrance to the brahma nadi, the subtle channel leading to the 7th and highest chakra, sahasrara. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Appendix B: Mantra is not simply a sound or a prayer but an embodiment of the Divine Being. The more this idea seeps into your heart, the more clearly the concept of ______  ________, the form of formless God, will emerge in your consciousness. Its emergence fills your heart with love and devotion, and consequently your mind loses interest in wandering from one object to another. At this stage the mantra begins to flow effortlessly and spontaneously. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Appendix B: _______   _______________ mantra clears away the obstacles to spiritual unfoldment by strengthening the strong part of yourself even further, freeing you from your weaknesses. It focuses on healing and nourishing, and unleashes enthusiam, courage and determination. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
Appendix B: _________ mantra clears away the obstacles to spiritual unfoldment by helping you to overcome your weaknesses, consequently gaining inner strength. It focuses on cleansing, washing away karmic impurities; it shuts down mental noise, purifies illuminates and connects you to the light of the inner teacher. *
Use the sanskrit term for the answer.
1 point
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