ALZ magazine subscription form for libraries
ALZ magazine, produced by the Alzheimer's Association, is available for subscription at no charge to libraries. The intent of the magazine is to raise awareness of this important public health issue. It's 100% free to subscribe, and the Alzheimer's Association will handle all distribution and shipping costs.

We can provide a subscription to the magazine that includes up to 10 copies of each issue — or 10 per location if your library has multiple branches. We hope you will consider including a copy or two in your periodicals section with the remainder offered as a resource to the public as you see fit.

Please complete the following form to request your free copies. You may submit the form multiple times to secure copies for multiple branches or contact for assistance. Once submitted, you will automatically receive an electronic receipt with your responses. Please retain this email for your records.

Respondents who request copies by April 18, 2020 will receive the Summer 2020 issue in early June.
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Library name *
C/O name
Shipping address *
City *
State *
ZIP code *
How many copies would you like to order? *
If requesting more than 10 copies for a single location, please indicate the number and describe how you intend to distribute ALZ magazine. You may be contacted for additional information before your order can be fulfilled.
Will you include this in your periodicals section? *
How do you intend to distribute ALZ magazine to patrons?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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