Sadleir House Room Booking
Bookings made through this form are NOT confirmed. You will receive a follow-up email within 2 business days to finalize details and payment (check your junk mail!).

Booking times are inclusive of your setup and take-down. Access is granted at the start time and the room is cleared of people by the end time.

Parking is limited so when possible please carpool, walk/cycle, and take public transit.

You can now add your event to our website calendar! Visit: 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Event Title *
Example: "Study session," "CRRC Board Meeting," "Trent Film Society Movie Night." 
Public Event Title?
Can we publicly display your event title on our room occupancy displays? If no, the display will only mark the room as unavailable, omitting any details.
Your Name *
Date of booking
Start time of booking
End time of booking
Room Requested
Clear selection
How many people do you expect to attend?
This will help us know how many chairs/tables to set up if needed.
What amenities do you require?
What discount are you claiming? *
Is there anything else we should know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of P. R. Community & Student Association (Sadleir House Facility).