Lodge Rental Request
Millstone Elks Lodge #2613 Event Request form for Members Only. This form is a REQUEST form only. It does NOT confirm the event date. A member of the House Committee will contact you for confirmation.
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Members Name and Member Number: *
For Example:  John Smith/ Member# 00432
Your Email Address: *
Phone Number where you can be reached: *
Are you a member of a special committee : *
For Example: Yes, Motorcycle Club
What type of event? *
For example: Fundraiser, Birthday Party, Reunion, etc.
Event Date Requested *
Start time *
End time *
How many total guests? *
Where would you like to hold your event? *
Will you be serving food? *
Will you be needing bar/beverage services? *
Any additional comments:
Thank you for your request! A House Committee Member will be in touch will you shortly!
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