Sample FletchPMM Intake Survey
(This is just a sample — do not fill this out!)
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Your Name *
Your Company Name *
If you were in an elevator with a potential customer, what would be your 30 second pitch of your company/product(s)? *
How would you describe your current positioning and messaging challenges?

(i.e. what made you want to work with us at this time?)
What is your desired outcome of this project? *
What is your current ARR? *
Have you raised funding? 

If so, how much?
Describe your pricing model.

(i.e. how you charge, what you charge, etc.)
How large is your team? 

Please provide a department breakdown (i.e. how many employees in each type of function).
Who are your current (or potential future) competitors?

Please provide names and URLs of the most relevant companies.
Describe your current go-to-market strategy.

(i.e. what channels you're currently using and what's working best.) 
What are the biggest differentiating features of your product?

This can be from your perspective or what your current customers have told you.
What types of companies are you targeting? *
What departments are you trying to sell into?

If relevant, feel free to include specific titles.
How many customers do currently you have?

If there are different types of customers, please indicate that in your answer.
Which team members will be joining us on the sessions?

Please list their names and roles in your company.
If you have a pre-recorded product demo, drop a link here:
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