2023-2024  M.S & U.S Baseball Try-out form
All students trying out must complete this form as soon as possible All students must have all physical paperwork turned in via "Final Forms" before the first tryout date. If you have any questions please email Coach Irvin (DevinIrvin@ICImagine.org).

U.S Boys Baseball- Feb 19th & Feb 22nd @ Diamond Mine (3:30)
M.S Baseball- Feb 26th & Feb 29th @ Diamond Mine (3:30)

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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Email *
1 point
Parent/Guardian First Name: *
Parent/Guardian Last Name: *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: *
Parent/Guardian Email Address: *
Grade Level *
Have you signed up on "Final Forms" to complete all physical paperwork? Students will not be allowed to tryout unless this step is completed. *
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