Nivenly Job Seekers' Council
This is to gather information for those interested in joining or running a group for like-minded job seekers.

The purpose of this form is to gather interest and add people to the calendar invite for the meetings. The async chatter happens in the Nivenly Discord:
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What is your name? *
Does not need to be your legal name, however people recognize you.
What are your pronouns? *
Please specify any additional pronouns in Other.
Which of the following describe you? Check all the apply. *
What are you seeking? *
This can include specific roles, like "SRE", but also specific skills you need to land a role, like "résumé help".
What are you contributing? *
The JSC works as a resource pool. So you may need help with your résumé, but may have been a hiring manager and can help with mock interviews. Anything along those lines.
What is your email for contact / calendar invites? *
I understand that I've supplied my email to be used to coordinate working groups for job seeking. My email will not be shared or used for any other purpose. *
What is your GitHub handle, if you would like to be added to the GitHub repo for resources?
This is where the JSC stores meeting minutes, working group information, etc.
I understand that I've supplied my GitHub handle to be used for the Nivenly's Job Seekers' GitHub repo / resources. My GitHub handle will not be shared or used for any other purpose. *
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