KCS Youth Virtual mini-club Sign Up

Sign Up for the "Virtual mini-clubs" you are interested in. The KCS Youth Club leads will plan and meet weekly, biweekly, or monthly with you to create or learn something new or practice a skill. Your commitment to the time of the club is requested. The clubs will begin last week of February and will run through first week of June. Please make sure you are available before signing up and please write down the time in your schedule.

Note: Parent/Guardian must provide a signature by typing their name to submit this form.

Questions? Write to us at youth@kcsmw.org.

Thank you,
KCS Youth Club
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Name of Participant *
Participant's Grade (currently enrolled in) *
Participant's Email Address *
Email address will be used for calendar invitation or changes to meeting time.
WhatsApp Number *
This number will be added to the WhatsApp Group for important communication, including any meeting changes.
KCS Youth mini-clubs Selection *
Select all the ones that you are interested in and know you can attend regularly.
Full Name of Parent *
Parent's Contact Number (for urgent matters only) *
Signature *
By typing your name, you agree that you are the legal parent/guardian of the participant.
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