Staff Performance Review & Merit Survey
Please rate the following statements regarding your views of the Performance Review and Merit process. We will use this information to gain insight into the staff experience and direct the priorities of the Staff Council. 

All feedback will be kept anonymous and will be used to guide initiatives within the council. Email address are only used to validate that the submitter is part of the GW community and will never be shared with anyone but the Staff Council Executive Officers. 
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I believe the performance management rating system is designed as a tool to accurately reflect my and/or my employees' performance.


The current rating options are:

  • Exceeds Expectations: Performance consistently exceeded expectations in all essential areas of responsibility, and the quality of work overall was excellent to the point of being atypical.

  • Achieves Expectations: Performance consistently met expectations in all essential areas of responsibility, at times possibly exceeding expectations, and the quality of work overall was very good.

  • Needs Improvement: Performance did not consistently meet expectations and/or approved goals were not met in essential areas of responsibility. Development is recommended to produce expected results.

Further information about bonus options can be found at:  
Strongly Disagree
Strong Agree

Merit increases are equitably applied to all staff at the university regardless of the department, school, and/or division where they work.

Strongly Disagree
Strong Agree

I would support GW moving from annual merit increases based on performance ratings to a yearly standard cost of living adjustment for all GW staff. 

Cost of living adjustments are based on the employee's salary in comparison to the cost of living in a geographic location. Further information about bonus options can be found at
Strongly Disagree
Strong Agree
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