24-25 FSD3 Tutoring Request Form
Candidates for tutoring are prioritized based on academic needs that are demonstrated by state and district level assessment data, grades, and school input as limited space is available. 

The district's Academic Tutoring Center is available for K-12 students. Qualifying students receive services twice a week for 1-hour sessions to include intensive one-on-one support and guided practice based on their individually designed learning path. Parents must provide transportation to and from tutoring. Consistent attendance is vital to success. Attendance issues may result in dismissal from the program. Hours for Lake City's site are 3:30-6:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday and hours for Olanta's site are 2:30-5:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday. The center is closed for the weeks of October 14th, December 16th, February 10th, for any scheduled district holidays or intercession periods, and for any emergency closures. 

Tutoring at Mathnasium must be coordinated by a designated district official and is also prioritized based on Math needs as space is available. This service is provided at Florence's site. Parents must provide transportation.

For any questions, please reach out to Tonyelle Thomas, Director of Student Academic Support, GT, & the Arts by emailing tthomas@fsd3.org and/or by calling 843-374-2836 ext. 25061.
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First and Last Name
What school is your child currently attending?
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What grade is your child currently in?
Where would you like your child to receive tutoring?
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Is your child considered any of the following?
What academic area does your child need support in?
Please provide any details about your child's academic needs.
Parent's/Guardian's First and Last Name
Telephone Number
Email Address
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