ダンスクラスご予約フォーム (Dance Class Reservation Form)
その際はお手数ですがもう一度送信し直すか、直接 fatimata.net@gmail.com へお問い合わせください。

Thank you for your dance class reservation.
We will reply with a confirmation email within a few days after your email is sent.
If you do not receive a reply, there may be a transmission error.
In that case, please try again or contact us directly at  fatimata.net@gmail.com
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
お名前(ふりがな)(Name) *
性別 (gender)
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e-mail address *
お間違いのないようご入力ください。(Please make sure to enter the correct information.)
携帯番号 (Mobile phone number)
初回参加希望日 (The first date you want to attend) *
スタジオ参加かZoom参加か (Studio or Zoom) *
よろしければアンケートにお答えください。(Please fill out the survey if you would like to participate.)
このダンスクラスをどのようにお知りになりましたか? (How did you know about this dance class?)
その他、ご要望、ご質問等(お気軽にご記入ください。)(Other requests, questions, etc. (Please feel free to fill in this form.))
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