Sonsare’s hike for Harefield Hospital 
13:00pm Saturday 7 September 2024

Join me as I celebrate the one-year anniversary of my double lung transplant and raise awareness for organ donation. 

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Will you be joining the hike on 7 September 2024?
This will aid my logistical planning
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Full Name *
This will help me identify each participant and personalize communication where necessary
Email Address *
To send event updates, important information, and confirmations.
Emergency Contact Name *
To have a contact in case of any emergency during the event
Emergency contact phone number *
To quickly reach the emergency contact if needed.
Do you have any medical conditions I should be aware of?
To ensure your safety and make necessary preparations.
What's your level of hiking experience?
To prepare appropriate support and guidance
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Would you be able to give another participant a lift to and from the event if they live near you?
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If you answered yes, where will you be traveling from?
Do you have any questions about the hike?
Consent and Agreement *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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