Real Conversations for Teens

Hi Friend!
Are you taking care of your needs and feelings in healthy ways? The following 
Real Conversations for Teens Quiz will help you determine how you can help yourself do this. 
There are four steps to the process. When you get to step 4, chose one or two things that you can do right now to help yourself.  
I believe in you! 


Kimberly Young

PS We collect your email address to send you your answers. We will not send you any other messages unless you choose to be on our email list.

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What challenges are you having in your life? Check all that apply to you. 


How are you feeling? Check the emotions you are experiencing right now. 


What do you need? Check what you are needing right now. 


What are some healthy ways you can meet your needs? Check them and then choose 1 or 2 that you can do right now.

Thank you for taking the Real Conversations for Teens Quiz. Many people have taken this quiz and it has changed their life for the better! I hope you'll take care of yourself and your needs and do something kind for yourself right now. You matter and you are loved, cherished, and resilient! 

If you have any comments or questions for me, please leave them below. 


**Make sure to click on the slider at the end of this page to get a copy of your responses to the quiz sent to you and then click on the red SUBMIT button.**
Would you like to receive our bi-weekly email with tips for being more resilient and courageous? If so, please let us know if you want the teen or parent version of our newsletter. 

Check out Kimberly's book: Click her to order from Bullied to Brave

Kimberly also offers workshops and life coaching for youth and adults plus a fun process called Draw Your Future. Let us know if you want information about these. 
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