How will you be receiving Eckhart Mobile Outreach Delivery Services? *
How long do you expect to need this service? *
If you only need this service short term, please provide dates below.
Your answer
What are your favorite books, authors and series? *
Your answer
What are some of your favorite movies, TV shows and genres? *
Your answer
What are some of your hobbies, interests and skills? *
Your answer
What are some books, authors, genres, movies and TV shows that you do NOT like? *
Your answer
Is there anything else you DO NOT like? *
Your answer
What kinds of materials would you like to receive? Check all that apply. *
How many of each item would you like to receive? (Example: 3 books, 2 DVDs, 1 graphic novel) *
Your answer
Which book formats do you prefer? Check all that apply. *
Which FICTION genres do you enjoy? Check all that apply. *
To help us better select fiction materials for you, please indicate what appeals to you when it comes to CHARACTERS. Check all that apply. (Optional)
To help us better select fiction materials for you, please indicate your STORY preferences. Check all that apply. (Optional)
To help us better select fiction materials for you, please indicate what appeals to you when it comes to the TONE of the story. Check all that apply. (Optional)
Which NON-FICTION subjects do you enjoy? Check all that apply. *
Which DVD genres do you enjoy? Check all that apply. *
What are your movie ratings preferences? Check all that apply. *
Which magazine categories do you enjoy? *
Which music genres do you enjoy? *
We have recently started our Library of Things, a collection of short term use items available for checkout. For example, a KitchenAid mixer, cake pans and fishing poles. Would you like more information about this? *
Please list anything else you may interested in that we didn't mention.
Your answer
Do you have any special delivery instructions? *
Your answer
Eckhart Public Library staff selects materials based on patrons’ needs and requests. Eckhart Public Library staff are not responsible for the content of materials that may be offensive or disturbing to individual patrons. Requesting certain materials does not guarantee they will be in the collection. The library may maintain checkout history records to improve library service. This information is confidential and for library use only. *
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