Feedback Form - Jimmies Soccer
Take a look at the logo below and answer the questions. You need to provide constructive feedback, which will help the designer to improve the logo. You need to put your name on your work because I will give you credit for filling out the form. Designers will SEE YOUR FEEDBACK, so be nice about it and be helpful, but YOUR NAME WILL NOT BE ATTACHED TO THE FORM THAT THE DESIGNER WILL SEE! Think carefully about each question and provide as much feedback as possible. Be honest. It's ok not to like the logo, but you need to be clear about what you don't like about it and what could be done better. Every one of them could be improved, so think hard about what could be better.
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Jimmies Soccer Logo
What is your name? (for Mr. Robson's records/your mark only. Your name will not be visible to the designer, but that person will see your comments/ratings.) *
How appealing is this logo? (looking at it, does it look "good"? Interesting?)
Not appealing enough yet.
Looks terrific!
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Comment on the logo's appeal. What do you like/dislike about it?
A logo needs to work in different situations where it could be really small (on a business card or the fine print on a poster) or really big (a large poster or billboard.) Will this logo work in both situations? Will it be easily recognizable and easy to see/read when really small? Will it look good/professional when it's really big?
Not very scalable.
Should work really well in both situations!
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What would you do differently to make this logo more scalable? What would help it look better when used really small or really large?
Does this logo accurately represent the/a soccer team? Can you tell that it's for this team?
Not really. Could use work tying it to the cause.
Yes, it's clear and represents the cause well.
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What makes it clearly representative of its group/team/class? What could be improved to make it more representative of its goal?
Is the logo closely tied to St. James Collegiate in some way? Can you tell that it's for something at our school?
Not so much
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What makes it represent our school or what could be done to make it more representative?
The designer was supposed to choose other colours to include, and to pay attention to the research that we read about that tells us what certain colours can mean/represent. Do those colour choices look good and work well here?
Not so much
Looks good
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What do you like/dislike about the colours? Would you suggest anything different?
Typography choices are important! Thinking back on our discussion of what makes a good typeface choice, does the text look the way it should? Is it going to be clear enough? Does the "feel" of that typeface work with the group/organization it's representing?
Not a good fit. Try another choice.
Perfect fit!
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Provide some feedback about the text/typography. What do you like/dislike about it? What would you suggest to make it even better?
The logo needs to have other shapes/icons/vector images to help it look good and do its job. How well did this designer do when incorporating other shapes & images? Do they help spread the right message? Look good?
I don't see the connection or you could have chosen better shapes/images.
They look great! Good choices!
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What audience do you think this logo will appeal to? Depending on the group/organization being promoted, you may want your logo to look a certain way. The Instagram logo is supposed to appeal to a younger audience than the Photoshop logo, for example. The colours, typography, and shapes all help to improve (or can hurt) the logo's appeal to a certain audience. So who would likely be interested in your logo and why?
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