Thank A Teacher
Dalton State's "Thank a Teacher" program allows students and alumni to express appreciation for teachers who have impacted their lives in profound and meaningful ways. If a  professor or instructor has made a positive contribution to your college experience, consider sending her/him a thank you note. We make it quick and easy for you and s/he will appreciate your acknowledgment.

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Your Information (optional)
Classification (e.g. Sophomore)
First Name
Last Name
eMail Address
Instructor's Information (required)
Instructor's First Name *
Instructor's Last Name *
Course Information
Course Title (e.g. English Composition)
Semester and Year (e.g. Spring 2016)
Thank You Information
Directions: Please write your thank you note to your teacher here:
Begin Thank You here: *
I give permission for the text (only) of this letter to be used in data collection and confidential research purposes to understand factors related to successful college teaching and learning.  My name and identifying information will  not be involved in this research. *
If you do give permission for the use of this letter for confidential research purposes, please provide the following:
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