WE DO NOT RUN ACCOUNTS. ALL PROFESSIONAL FEES ARE DUE AT THE TIME SERVICES ARE RENDERED. We will gladly prepare a written cost estimate if you desire (please ask the veterinarian).In cases of extensive medical or surgical treatment where full payment may be difficult on discharge, we accept all major credit cards and can establish a payment arrangement IF ARRANGED AND APPROVED IN ADVANCE of treatment.
1. I acknowledge that all accounts are payable in full upon presentation.
2. I undertake to pay a deposit equal to the pre-estimated account prior to hospitalisation, and accept that such deposit is an absolute pre-condition for hospitalisation. I will settle any outstanding balance upon presentation of the invoice.
3. I undertake to inquire as to the extent and approximate costs of a proposed treatment, failing which I unconditionally accept that I am liable for the costs thereof.
4. I hereby render myself responsible for all costs, including interest at a rate of 2.5 % per month, for all telephone calls and time spent by the staff of this facility incurred in the recovery of the outstanding amount from time of presentation of the account.
5. In the event that an account is handed over to your lawyers or other agent for collection, I irrevocably agree to pay for all costs on a lawyer and client scale, Legal Counsel on their agreed scale, collection commission, (including the costs and collection commission of any correspondent Attorney employed by your Attorneys or agent in connection therewith) and interest thereon at the rate of 1 % per month.
6. I irrevocably consent to an attachment order being issued on my income against my current or future employers.
7. I irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of the court of choice of this facility and agree that all performance took place within the jurisdiction of these courts.
8. I acknowledge that I have read these conditions and hold myself bound thereto.
9. I hereby choose the residential address listed above for the service of all notices and court documents.