Join Defend The Fort : COVID-19
#DefendtheFort is a public:private partnership for Fort Worth businesses, government and citizens to better inform one another, protect the health of everyone, and promote the local economy.

This is a free, community-led initiative but we ask each member to enroll 2 additional member organizations or individuals. Let’s fight exponential viral spread with the exponential spread of reliable information and #bendthecurve!

We are organizing a series of webinars with top experts in order to answer the most pressing questions.

Our first webinar is on Monday, March 16th at 9:30am CT on how to set up and run a work from home (WFH) organization. David Fraga, President/COO of InVision is coming. InVision is one the world's largest remote work companies in the world with 700+ employees and no offices.  Join below to be added to the Zoom meeting.

(And you do not need to be in/from Fort Worth to join)
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Your company / organization (if applicable):
Are you interested in joining our first webcast on how to set-up and run a successful work from home organization?
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What topics are you most interested in learning about? (We will source experts on the top topics requested)
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