RAGA and Taal Retreat - Registration Form

Kailas Sangeet Trust presents a  Raga and Taal retreat for 3 days (3 hours per day) led by Anupama Bhagwat and Rahul Pophali.

The 3-day immersion retreat aims at taking participants deeper into their art-form through intense "Riyaaz" and learning of new repertoire.

Daily sessions will include:

1) Warm-up sessions - Sweat it out (Taiyari badhao!)
2) Laya-layakari workshop - Learn odd rhythms (Dimaag pe jor!)
3) Repertoire - Learn and Play New Compositions (Naya Material!)
4) Group Discussion - Express your views (Charcha ka vishay!)
The retreat is primarily planned for intermediate and advanced students of vocal, instrumental music and tabla.  Beginners are welcome to register and join, however, there could be sections of the retreat that they may not be able to actively participate in. Of course! They could learn a lot through observation!

This retreat focuses on practical aspects of music and would provide ample opportunity to implement theories covered in previous workshops. All participants would be expected and encouraged to play on their respective instruments throughout the retreat.

A good portion of the fees collected from these online workshops will go towards supporting the artists, whose sources of earnings have been impacted and stopped due to novel Covid-19 and the lockdown. Together, we can help each other esp, when it is likely that live shows, music performances at public places, mass gatherings  etc, will not be allowed any time soon.

Entries for the retreat are limited.


24, 25, 26 December - 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm IST.

Duration: 180 mins every day with a break!

Fees: 139 USD (for participants outside India) / 3999 INR (for participants within India)

Recordings of essential sections of the retreat will be made available to registered participants for a limited time.

For further queries, please write to us at : kstworkshops@gmail.com

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Name: *
Age: *
Contact Phone Number: *
Email ID *
Select your instrument *
Describe your experience in music (in short)
Your Questions/Suggestions about the retreat (if any)
The location you will be joining from *
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