IAP2 USA Debra Duerr Certification Scholarship Application
Debra believed strongly in public engagement; it was the focus of her urban planning degree. She was a charter member of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), served on its US Board of Directors and was a founder of the Grand Canyon Chapter.

Debra served on the IAP2 USA Professional Certification Task Force since 2013. The Debra Duerr Memorial Scholarship will allow Debra’s legacy to continue to support the program she was so passionate about.

The Scholarship is designed to reduce barriers to professional certification and targets professionals who will increase diversity within the universe of people who have earned the distinction of professional certification. It seeks to make professional certification possible for anyone worthy of the credential.

Applicants who need financial support to complete the certification program are encouraged to apply for the scholarship before applying for certification.

Completion of IAP2 Foundations Program remains a pre-requisite for certification.

Certification applicants must successfully complete the three-step certification process. Receipt of a scholarship will not assure successful award of certification.
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Current Title and Organizational Affiliation: *
Current Title and Organizational Affiliation: *
The Debra Duerr Memorial Scholarship Fund was established for the purpose of increasing diversity within the universe of people who have earned the distinction of professional certification. Please help us understand how would you increase diversity? (Essay response, limited to 150 words) *
The costs of becoming certified in the US Professional Certification Program at the present time include: $300 CP3 Application, $450 Case Study Review, $2,150 CP3 Assessment Center process. It is expected that applicants will progress on schedule upon acceptance of their application. We hope you understand that we would like to support as many individuals as possible. Awards may range from $300 to $2900.In light of this information, please tell us how much support you are seeking? *
Please tell us why you are seeking support for becoming recognized as a certified professional. Explain why you want to become certified as well as why you need help. (Essay response, limited to 250 words). *
By signing below, I acknowledge that: I have read the IAP2 USA Professional Certification Program and Policy Manual https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MSTNMiO9LOf-_vi05ZKJsJKnPcrOMHEK/view and I believe I will be successful in demonstrating the knowledge and skills that are assessed by the professional certification program. I understand that if scholarship funds are awarded to me, they will be remitted directly to IAP2for payment of program costs. Award of a scholarship will not affect the requirements placed on me as an applicant for professional certification; I understand that I will need to complete the three-step process to attain certification. The assessors who review my application, case study submission, and participation in the assessment center will be under no obligation to award certification if I fail to demonstrate the knowledge and skills assessed by the program. Please enter your name and date. *
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