Volunteer Interest Form for the Morro Bay National Estuary Program
The Estuary Program offers different volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Some opportunities require an ongoing commitment while others are one-time events.

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please read and fill out the form below. Estuary Program staff will review the information you provide and contact you if we have an open position that matches your interests and availability.

Please note that openings for our fieldwork volunteer positions are somewhat rare, due to the six-month minimum commitment for these posts and the seasonal nature of some monitoring and restoration work. We will keep your information on file and reach out when we have a volunteer opportunity that might suit you.

Thank you for your interest and patience!
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Email *
First and last name *
Phone number *
City of residence *
Some of our volunteer opportunities are available only for adults. Are you at least eighteen years old? *
If you are less than eighteen years old, when will you turn eighteen?
What days and times are you typically available to volunteer? Does your availability vary by season or by school term? *
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