TEDxDhaka Speaker Nomination Form
Please read everything carefully

Speaker selection is a lengthy and a continuous process. You may nominate someone (or yourself) for our next event or for a future reference using the form below.

Basic rules/guidelines:
- Speakers are not paid, and they cannot pay us to be on stage, i.e: individuals or companies cannot “buy” time on stage through sponsorships.
- No keynotes or chief guest or special speaker – all speakers are equal.
- No panel discussions. No lengthy question and answer with the audience.
- Political or religious endorsements are not permitted.
- [Very strictly] No selling from the stage.
- No pseudo-science or untested/unverified technology.
- Strictly enforced time limit.
Language: Bengali or English. The choice is open to the speaker. We have no preference.

Presenting at the TEDxDhaka stage is very different from most speeches. Our talks range from 3 to 18 minutes in length (set individually for each speaker, no longer than 18 minutes) and we stick to the time limits. Remember, It is not about you, i.e: “a TEDx talk is not about the speaker. It is about the idea.” The actual idea and the talk itself is more important to us than the person behind it, or their organisation. Read this post to understand more about what we mean by this: https://tedxdhaka.com.bd/nominate-speakers-for-tedxdhaka-2023/ 

Please do not expect a reply from us right away. Only selected nominees will be notified.

All information of this form will remain strictly confidential. We do not publish this data anywhere. That means, we do not publish the information who is nominating whom, and who is getting selected from this nomination process or any statistics or numbers. A very small group of people at TEDxDhaka Team have the access to this data.

Our nomination form is always open, throughout the year. Currently we are considering the nominations for TEDxDhaka 2023 Conference. 

If you have any questions please read our FAQ http://tedxdhaka.com.bd/faq

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Part 1 About You, the Nominator
Your Full Name *
Email address *
Mobile Number *
How do you know the speaker? *
Enter "Self" if you are nominating yourself.
Part 2 About the Speaker
Full Name of the Speaker *
Role/Title/Designation *
Organisation *
Email address *
Mobile Number
Why are you recommending him/her? Which ideas and/or what works that has piqued your interest in this person? *
Please provide any references about the speaker that will help us understand him/her and their work (websites, articles, videos, etc.). *
If none such references exist, enter "None". But we highly recommend including something. For example, if it's a statue in the real world, but there are no references to it online, then take a picture & upload it somewhere yourself or describe it and it's location then add the link here.
What might be the their possible Talk about? *
Often the speakers are polymaths, and they may be doing a lot of different things together. However, we always try to focus on one specific idea or topic from dozens of stories, we help with that focus and design of a talk once they are selected. Also the speakers often opt for talking about something completely different than what they are known for, we are ok with that. We would like to know a probable title/intro of their talk. Here "why" and "how" is more important than "who." A potential speaker's personal story or a presentation of their organisation's works is NOT an ideal TEDx talk. You can add multiple potential ideas or excerpts here.
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