Stray Blade Beta Registration
Welcome to the Stray Blade Private Beta registration form. If you are interested in being a part of our Beta then please fill out the form below. We know you are all excited to be a part of this amazing opportunity and get early access to Stray Blade! Keep in mind that only a fraction of applicants will be chosen to participate in this Beta. In order to be considered for this Beta you will need to be a member of the Official Stray Blade Discord server located at and our new Official Stray Blade subreddit at - Please also wishlist Stray Blade on Steam:

Beta testers will be featured in the game credits.

Please fill out the form below after you join on Reddit and Discord. Before the Beta begins we will message selected applicants on Discord or Reddit to confirm their information is accurate. All Beta participants will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and refrain from sharing Beta related details with the public. All participants in the Beta must be at least 18 years of age.

By filling out and submitting this application to 505 Games, you understand and agree that the information collected below will only be used to determine suitability for participation with the Stray Blade Beta test. If you would like to know more about the 505 Games Privacy Policy, you can read more at

Thank you for your interest in joining the Stray Blade Beta. If you have any questions then please forward them to @ModMail in the Stray Blade Discord server or message the Mods on Reddit.  
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Email *
Stray Blade
Primary Username/Alias *
Discord Username, Discord ID, and/or Reddit Username *
Please include 4 digit discriminator (e.g. Username#0001)
Age *
Country/City *
What makes you interested most in this Beta opportunity? *
Be among the first to play Stray Blade
What languages do you speak? How would you rate your fluency of them on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being professional written and verbal fluency? *
Have you ever participated in a game Beta? If you have then please list any past experiences with Beta testing. *
Have you ever been a Discord moderator or Reddit moderator? Do you have great ideas for community events?  Do you have any interest in helping to moderate the Stray Blade Discord server or r/StrayBlade subreddit? Would you like to be a community Event Coordinator or suggest any fun community events? *
Join the Stray Blade community on Discord or Reddit and share your opinion
Why do you think we should choose you to participate in the Stray Blade Beta? *
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